I received several requests asking for Milt Kobayashi's Japanese palette. Well, here it is.
Winsor Newton:
Raw Sienna, Jaune Brillant, Olive Green, Indigo.
Monochrome Tint Warm, Foundation Umber, Mars Orange, Coral Red.
English Red
Other colors:
Raw Umber, Yellow Ochre
As you can see, there are no Cadmiums, no White - Foundation Umber, which is a light beige, is used instead of white.
This workshop was held in April, 1997 for two weeks and we did work with this palette of colors.
What is interesting is that you mostly see Cadmiums on most artists' palettes, and for sure white. I have attended quite a few of Milt's workshops, and each time his palette was different. So that does tell you something. Work with your own individual set of colours and experiment and mix a lot.
Milt teaches every April/May at the Scottsdale Artist School, in Scottsdale, Arizona. Milt's workshops are with live models and every day he does a demo in the morning till approximately lunch time, and then we work. There are 2 to 3 costumed models each day.
The painting posted here is one that I did with the Japanese palette.
Hi Carol,
Not sure if we painted together at one Milt's workshops or not. Would love to exchange links to. Great to hear from you.
Thanks, scott
Milt is an amazing painter, would love to take a workshop with him someday.
Coral red is a cadmium from Holbein.
I was very interested to see the palette you used with Milt Kobayashi (12 years ago?).
Please can you tell me how he used the foundation umber ...?
my website is www.joanzylkin.com
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